First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
of Selma, California
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
2026 Arrants St, Selma, California 93662
​​What to expect for Sunday Worship Services​
Thinking of joining us for worship? Great!
Bulletins with the order of worship will be available at the entrance when you arrive and will be passed out by a greeter. When you first come in to the sanctuary, the first things you might notice are the beautiful stained glass windows and the golden pipes in the front of the sanctuary. You will also notice that folks might be wearing anything from "Sunday Best" suits and dresses to jeans and t-shirts.
Feel free to sit wherever you like and take some time to familiarize yourself with the service.
If you have any questions during the service, don't be afraid to ask the person closest to you.
Our music is a blend of traditional hymns and praise music. The songs will be played on the piano or organ and lead by our Sanctuary Singers. Everyone is invited to sing along using our music books in the pews or the words on the screen.
We celebrate Communion every Sunday in worship and it is open to everyone (and that includes you!). There are no requirements at our church for you to participate in the Lord's Supper. And, of course, you do not have to partake either if you are not comfortable just yet.
We look forward to celebrating God's presence with you!